Flickering by the milky crescent, the pink petals
Outside my black window.
I saw them in darkness. They used to be white and they
Swayed like flags
When the spiked leaves offered to rouge. Acknowledgment of
How rouge was love and how love was red. Bloody red.
Unbearable, leafy kisses, blind to their blades
Thrusted in the twiggy necks for
Vampiric licks to gallop in the velvety clefts.
A patch of beaten skin, the sin. The cobwebby folds
I could not flatten rose like a fumy flame,
The bridal gown obscured by the glint
Breeds a pair of grapnel eyes.
Weaponized. Five thin, poisonous barbs.
In the festooned temple, in the holy kowtow
Cross-cupped sap hooks the petiolar heart
To corrode. Enormous burnt-black holes, Teal veins stuck out in
An infestation of ochre polka dots.
And I’m the goddess you’re bound to invoke
With sacrifice
On the bed in the nuptial chamber covered by
Scoops of the arbitrary blackness.
The lack of antidote, the bloodless crime
Lurking and whispering
But incapable, in the incapable night.